Thursday, July 22, 2010


I love my new Nook!  I'm halfway through Stephen King's "Under The Dome" and I also have Jon Krakauer's "Eiger Dreams."  Some of the freebies are pretty lame.  You get what you pay for.  Anyway, King's book weighs like 5 pounds.  The Nook, considerably less.  Also for my birthday I got a bottle of Maker's Mark Whisky and a mandoline.  My logical family took me to dinner at Olive Garden.  We had a Post Optionsgreat time and I had to call in sick today.  Too much Maker's Mark and Pinot Noir.


Balsamae said...

OMG! i missed wishing you a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"...
sounds like you had a good one

BigAssBelle said...

Happy birthday, honey. A mandoline would be a fine thing.