Monday, November 06, 2006


Rev. Ted Haggard is the best definition of homophobia that’s come along in ages. Ted is a HOMOPHOBE. He DOES NOT fear homosexuals! He fears HOMOSEXUALITY. He fears his own HOMOSEXUAL feelings. That, boys and girls, is homophobia. And he has it bad! What cracked me up is the methamphetamine thing. My most excellent friend and mentor, Trang Gotbux, has his Ph.D. in fisting. He will tell you that meth is used to “open you up.” You couldn’t get a full blown erection or even ejaculate under the influence of meth…but…it opens you up. Ted. A butt boy.
Now I’m not saying he isn’t talented in other ways. Those lips and that ample mouth are made for major fallatio! He likes older men…body builders…and for that I give him credit.
Am I being too cruel? Oh God, no! After what that reprobate did? After what he’s said! Suffer awhile dude, and then wake up. Make real nice for your wonderful family…and then FUCKING COME OUT!!!

1 comment:

Mark Hernandef said...

I love the distinction you make between fearing homosexuality versus fearing homosexuals. I'm going to steal that, for sure. Also, your fish from hell link reminds me that I should certainly reserve my aquatic peeing for kiddie pools and the shower instead of bodies of water.